Tuesday, 16 December 2014

'Tis the Season!

Christmas lights in Uppsala
Lit up trees along Uppsala's river, Fyrisån. 
So it's almost that time again: Christmas break! It's looking Christmas-y here, with beautiful Christmas lights and even the occasional dusting of snow (or at least frost). This coming Friday I'll be heading back to Amsterdam to visit family and friends over the holidays. I had my only exam of the term yesterday, and tomorrow is my last lecture before my break begins.

Scheduling of lectures and exams at Uppsala University is... interesting. As in, totally erratic. I've been led to believe that this is common in Sweden, but I don't know for sure. In any case, the year is basically broken down into 2 semesters (Autumn and Spring), each containing 2 periods. The exact dates are available online at the Academic Calendar page. This page also contains one of the scarier pieces of text that I encountered while I was applying to Uppsala:

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

New kid on the blog


My name is John and I've recently been asked to take over this blog. I'll be writing about life in Sweden, Uppsala University, and tossing some physics in every now and again for good measure. But first of all, an introduction: who is John?

Me at Nikhef
Me at Nikhef, the Dutch National Institute for
 Subatomic Physics, which was right across the street
from where I lived in Amsterdam
I'm a first year masters student in physics, following the theoretical physics track. I was born in Scotland, but I moved around quite a lot as a child before finally settling down (for a while) in Calgary, Canada. Since this was where I lived longest, had practically all of my teenage years, and picked up my accent, if you ask me I'll say I'm Canadian (and I've got the passport to prove it). My bachelors degree is from Amsterdam University College (AUC) in the Netherlands, where I lived and studied for three years.